Cape Town Rocks has a social event every month. We get together at a coffee shop, swop rocks and chat.
I attended my 1st one this morning and took Hazel with me (needless to say, she was the centre of attention 😄). She was spoiled with cookies and cuddles and in return she gave free kisses.
Everyone wears a name tag with their name and the #hastag they use on the back of their rocks. (mine is #TYL … off course 😊)
I painted and decoupaged these rocks for the social
We put our rocks on the table and people take turns to take some.
We don’t just drink coffee, swop rocks and socialize, we also help to make a difference. These were my donation rocks:
Rocks for the Sandbaai Rock Social, which two of the ladies in our group were going to help start
Rocks for the Lucky Lucy Cattery
Butterfly rocks for a little girl who needs a bit of love
At every rock social a group photo is taken. It causes lots of laughter, the person who takes the photo has to take it from the balcony. 😂
It was such an amazing event and great meeting the “rockstars” behind the hashtags. I will definitely attend again.
I came home with these beautiful rocks.
#notbob #LadyJBug #BlueSky #LAvdv
And Hazel … she napped. Being cute is exhausting!! 😆